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Issam Fares Worldwide Programs
Places named after his Excellency Mr. Issam Fares
The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at AUB
Issam Fares Center for Lebanon
Issam Fares Foundation
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Panel discussion to inaugurate a research project studying the current political transformations in the Arab world
Panel discussion to inaugurate research project studying the current political transformations in the Arab world
The Issam M. Fares Award for Excellence
Issam Fares Honoring Ceremony in New York
Tufts Lecture Series
Issam Fares at the 59th UN General Assembly
Official Trips
The Supreme Pontiff Honors Fares
Breeders Turf Cup
The Middle East Institute Awards Fares
Russia Honors Issam Fares in a Book
Summary of Issam Fares Books
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Issam Fares: Stances and Achievements
The Issam Fares Institute for Technology
The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs
The Issam Fares Center for Lebanon
The Fares Foundation
WEDGE Real Estate S.A.L (Lebanon)
Issam Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies at Tufts University
The Issam Fares Lecture Series
Issam Fares Worldwide Programs
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Places named after his Excellency Mr. Issam Fares
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WEDGE Group Incorporated
Minefa Holdings B.V
WEDGE International Holdings B.V.
Farinvest N.V.
Issam Fares Endowed Funds at Mayo Clinic
Issam Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies at Tufts University
The Issam Fares Lecture Series
Previous speakers include
Le Haras de Manneville
WEDGE Group Incorporated
Acquiring controlling or large minority interests in companies and helping them grow, WEDGE manages its business lines to earn returns on investment far in excess of various indices. Its investments have extended into a wide range of industries and markets. Its practice and patience have gained it a position that is significantly distinct from ordinary investment and private equity firms: one that is time-tolerant, not-time-driven.
WEDGE paces its investments to take advantage of cycles in the individual business. Unlike most private equity funds, WEDGE need not monetize investments within some fixed period of time. As a result, WEDGE has owned some companies for over a decade, and it also has entered and exited investments more quickly.
WEDGE benefits from its financial strength. Often it acquires a business or property for cash; then decides on the most appropriate financial structure. WEDGE designs each company's financial structure to suit the operational needs and cycles of that business – not necessarily to minimize equity investment. This yields a lower cost of debt and allows investments in cyclical businesses.
WEDGE management has decades of experience with operating companies. Because of its focus on operations and market conditions, WEDGE is an active partner with management on issues such as overhead, capital expenditures and executive compensation. It supports strong teams, provides performance goals and incentives and holds management accountable. WEDGE senior management assists with strategic planning, financing, acquisitions, asset disposition, risk management, tax planning and legal administration.
WEDGE Group Incorporated and its affiliates have owned all or part of a variety of industry-leading companies, acquiring controlling or large minority interests in companies for the long term. With decades of operating experience, they have helped them grow by focusing management on key goals. They have invested in a large number of companies in diverse industries, including providing services to and manufacturing equipment for the energy and power production industries (WEDGE Oil And Gas Services, L.L.C., WEDGE Energy Holdings, L.L.C., WEDGE Measurement & Control, L.L.C., Pioneer Drilling, WEDGE Dia-Log, BTEC Turbines LP), engineering and construction (Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc., Chicago Bridge & Iron, Ballast Nedam Groep NV), commercial office buildings and property management (WEDGE International Tower, Houston, TX, Yorktown Plaza, Houston, TX, Stonehill Corporate Center, Saugus, MA), self-storage warehouse facilities (Stor-A-Way and U.S. Storage, multiple locations), specialized metallurgical products (Le Bronze Industriel), construction (Rodgers Construction Company), hotels (Sheraton Suites Near the Galleria, Houston, TX, Sheraton Grand Hotel, Paradise Island, Radisson Heritage Hotel- Chelmsford, MA, The Shelton Courtyard by Marriott- Shelton, CT, The Wyndham Hotel- Chelsea, MA, Hampton Inn- Portsmouth, NH, Days Inn- Saugus, MA), food processing (Food Corporation International), banking and finance (WEDGE Trust Corporation, WEDGE Bank Geneva, WEDGE Capital Management), design and fabrication of deep sea diving suits, submarine rescue systems, and ROV tooling (OceanWorks International), trucking (Merchants Fast Motor Lines), and numerous others.
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Minefa Holdings B.V
Minefa Holdings B.V. is a Dutch limited Liability company established at Keizer Karelweg 474, 1181 RL Amstelveen, The Netherlands. It was incorporated on December 20, 1976. The company acts as a holding and investment company. It is active in investing in securities at the Europe stock markets.
The value and size of the stock portfolio fluctuates depending on price movements on the securities markets. The company also invests in private equity and hedge funds.
WEDGE International Holdings B.V.
WEDGE International Holdings B.V is a Dutch limited Liability company also established at Keizer Karelweg 474, 1181 RL Amstelveen, The Netherlands. It was incorporated on March 29, 1976.
This company acts as a service company and is part of the financial heart of the WEDGE Group of companies.
Since the early eighties, WEDGE International Holdings b.v. via her daughter company Minefa Holdings b.v. invests in listed equities and acquires interests in companies, assisting them to grow on a hands-off / eyes-on basis.
WEDGE is in principle an opportunistic, value-oriented investor with an European investment portfolio , invested in listed companies and presently focused on construction, finance, and telecom .
Next to that WEDGE is engaged in a few private equity investments in companies active in gaming and wind energy.
Farinvest N.V.
Farinvest N.V. is an Antillean Limited Liability company established at Pietermaai 15 , Willemstad , Curacao , Netherlands Antilles. The company acts as a Holding , Finance and Investment company.
Via Antillean companies, it is invested in US real estate. Farinvest N.V. is the owner of WEDGE International Holdings B.V.
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Issam Fares Endowed Funds at Mayo Clinic
The Mayo Clinic is one of the world’s preeminent institutions for health related research, education, and treatment. It is the first and largest integrated, non-profit group practice in the world. Doctors from every medical specialty work together to care for patients, joined by common system. More than 3,300 physicians, scientists, and researchers and 46,000 allied health staff work at Mayo Clinic. The Clinic has sites in Rochester- Minnesota, Jacksonville- Florida, and Scottsdale/Phoenix-Arizona.
The Mayo Clinic endowment provides funding for research and education by the Mayo Clinic in a variety of areas in the health and medical fields. The endowment supports these programs in a number of ways including research, fellowships for medical professionals, professorships, deanships, career development awards, and directorship of specific programs.
Over the years, I have provided generous financial support to the endowment of the Mayo Clinic, mainly to the following programs:
-Barbara Bush Fellowship of Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in friendship, by supporting a fellowship for deserving medical professionals to allow them to pursue their education and research.
The Barbara Bush Fellowship of Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Endowed in Friendship was established in 2004 to uphold the values of Barbara Bush, former First Lady of the United States. This annual award is given to a Mayo Clinic resident that exemplifies the qualities of Mayo Clinic founders, Drs. William and Charles W. Mayo. These qualities include outstanding clinical performance, humanitarianism, and scholarly activity. The recipient is selected through the Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education
-Issam Fares Endowed Fund for Cancer Research to help support cancer research programs, including the development of treatments for various malignant diseases. The Issam Fares Endowed Fund for Cancer Research was established in 2007 to support Cancer Research at Mayo Clinic. This gift holding my name will be held in perpetuity at Mayo Clinic. The income that is realized from this fund will ensure that future generations will benefit from Mayo’s purposeful planning and persistent pursuit of medical programs with global significance for humanity.
-Issam Fares Endowed Fund for Heart Research: it provides support for research relating to the detection and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It was established in 2007 to support Cardiovascular Research at Mayo Clinic. This gift holding my name will be held in perpetuity at Mayo Clinic. The income that is realized from this fund will ensure that future generations will benefit from Mayo’s purposeful planning and persistent pursuit of medical programs with global significance for humanity.
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Issam Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies at Tufts University
The mission of the Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies at Tufts University is to create an academic environment for the promotion of greater understanding of the rich heritage of the Eastern Mediterranean, and of the significant challenges that this region faces at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
The Center I have established acts as a major focus for cross-regional and cross-cultural analysis, providing a forum for the articulation of a rich diversity of viewpoints in the belief that this will serve as an effective means of conflict resolution.
The main countries concerned are Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, and the neighboring countries of Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Israel, and Turkey, together with any other country or region of the world whose history and politics affects them. The region’s history and its pivotal role in world politics have attracted the interest of scholars concerned with fields as diverse as the origins of writing and the beginnings of modern science. In focusing on the Eastern Mediterranean by organizing and sponsoring a significant number of roundtables, public lectures, and conferences, the Fares Center is a rich source of current information and data on the area, encouraging the consideration of policy issues from an international perspective.
The great needs of Lebanon after the war have prompted me to concentrate my efforts on the democratization and reconstruction of Lebanon, on improving Lebanon’s relations with the international community, and on working with all concerned for a just and stable peace in the region.
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The Issam Fares Lecture Series
The Tufts University in Boston enjoys my support. There are currently two buildings and a lecture series that carry my name at Tufts: the Issam M. Fares Lecture Series, in addition to the Fares Research Center at Fletcher, the Fares Equine Research Center at the School of Veterinary Medicine. In 1991, my son Fares, who is a trustee and member of Tufts' International Board of Overseers, had conceived the lecture series to deepen and promote understanding of Middle Eastern issues.
Established in 1992, the Fares Lecture Series aims at enhancing and fostering great and deeper understanding of critical issues of key importance concerning the Middle East. It enjoys the endowment of my Foundation which enables it to implement a program to promote Middle Eastern studies in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Anthropology, demographic studies, and languages.
The Lecture Series is annually hosted by the Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies at Tufts University which aims at creating an academic environment for the promotion of better understanding of the rich heritage of the Eastern Mediterranean and the looming challenges the region is facing.
The Lecture Series have thus served as a platform of major importance for the articulation and expression of a broad diversity of opinions and viewpoints, in the belief to serve also as an effective tool for the resolution of conflicts.
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Previous speakers include:
A Retrospective on the Gulf War and Its Impact’
George H.W Bush, 41rst President of the United States of America October 25, 1994
‘The Contribution of the European Union in Peace and Development in the Middle East’
Valery Giscard D’Estaing, former President of France
February 8, 1996
‘American Interests in the Persian Gulf and the Middle East’
James A. Baker, former US Secretary of State
October 30, 1996
‘Europe and the Middle East: The Future of Democracy’
Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of Great Britain
September 24, 1997
‘Principles for Peace: Northern Ireland and the Middle East’
George Mitchell, Senate Majority Leaders
November 4, 1998
‘Management of Crisis and Change: The Middle East’
Colin Powell, former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
November 2, 2000
‘Our Common Future’
William J. Clinton, 42nd President of the United States
March 13, 2002
‘A New Vision of the Middle East’
George H.W. Bush, 41rst President of the United States
February 26, 2003
‘America’s Foreign Policy Challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Weak of This Presidential Election’
Hillary Rodham Clinton, US Senator
November 10, 2004
‘The Promise of Peace'
Madeleine Albright
November 2007
Remarks by former British Prime Minister Mr. Tony Blair
February 2, 2009
It is worth noting that, in addition to the Fares Lecture Series, the Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies organizes and sponsors public lectures, conferences, and roundtables that enhance its commitment to interdisciplinary analysis by showcasing a diversity of voices both within and outside the region. Additionally, in an effort to connect scholars and students with complementary programming at other institutions, the Fares Center tracks related symposia and workshops that are held at centers of learning throughout the United States and abroad. For example, the Honorable Lee Hamilton, an advisor to US President Obama, was the keynote speaker of the Fares Conference last year in an address dubbed ‘Iraq: Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond’.
A recent conference was held lately on March 5-6, 2009 under the title ‘
Foreign Policy Challenges for the New Administration: Iran and the Middle East’
, the objective of which is to identify issues that, in light of a new American administration, will be of concern to Americans in 2009. Also, a recent roundtable took place on February 19 under the title ‘
The Gaza Escalation: Understanding differing perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict’
Moreover, the Fares Center announced the initiation of a new series of informal discussions, Fares Center Forum on U.S.-Middle East Diplomacy’, which aims at providing all Fletcher students who are interested in Middle Eastern issues the opportunity to discuss informally some of the difficult issues that diplomats and other professionals confront in their work. It represents a chance for students to explore the dilemmas and practical choices that professionals working on difficult Middle Eastern questions must face.
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Le Haras de Manneville
The Castle of Manneville has the style of the XVII century. Built in the XIX century, it was later renovated in the XX century. The 400-acre Haras was created in 1927 and acquired by me and my wife Hala in 1982.
From 1982 till 1998, the Haras developed to include 120 horses, foals, and yearnings. It hosted prestigious mares such as Viva Zapata, Lady Winner, Rajana, Iwor Jewel, Princess Player, Black Tulip, Miss Alleged…
In 1998, I decided to devote my time to the reconstruction of my country, and therefore opted for the dispersion of the livestock in France, England, and the United States. This action took place during the year and more than 500 horses were presented in the French, English, and American rings. This followed a long period of ‘sleep’ for the Haras until 2000 and the selling of the English Haras of Newsells- Fares Stables Ltd.
In 2000, the Haras slowly resumed its activity year after year. Thanks to the purchasing policy, among which during the Keeneland sale- Horse sales in the United States and to the livestock policy now turned to the international shipment of mares to England and Ireland, the Haras managed to achieve high sale prices on the French market as well as on the international markets.
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