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Evénements marquants
Programmes de Issam Fares à travers le monde
Aperçu Général
L'Institut Issam Fares pour la Politique Publique et les Affaires Internationales a AUB
Le Centre Issam Fares pour le Liban
Fondation Issam Fares
Site classé parmi les meilleurs
Cérémonie tenue à New York en l'honneur de Son Excellence M. Issam Fares
Série de Conférences Issam Fares à Tufts
Issam Fares durant la 59ème session de l’Assemblée Générale
Visites officielles
Le Souverain Pontife Honore Fares
L'Institut du Moyen-Orient Honore Fares
La Russie honore Issam Fares dans un livre
Résumé des livres publiés sur Issam Fares
Partie 1
Partie 2
Partie 3
Partie 4
Partie 5
Livres publiés sur TUFTS
Issam Fares: Attitudes et Réalisations
Aperçu Général
L'Institut Issam Fares pour la Technologie
L'Institut Issam Fares pour la Politique Publique et les Affaires Internationales
Le Centre Issam Fares pour le Liban
La Fondation Fares
WEDGE Real Estate S.A.L (Liban)
Le Centre Issam Fares pour les Etudes Méditerranéennes Orientales à l'Université de Tufts
La Série de Conférences Issam Fares
The Issam Fares Institute for Technology
The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs
The Issam Fares Center for Lebanon
The Fares Foundation
WEDGE Real Estate S.A.L (Lebanon)
Issam Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies at Tufts University
The Issam Fares Lecture Series
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WEDGE Real Estate was found in 1985. It deals with the possession, the purchase, selling, or hiring of built and non-built properties, the administration of real estate, the construction and partition of buildings into apartments, the construction of residential units, and the partition of lands for residential purposes, with the agreement of the urban planning or relevant municipalities.
In general, the corporation deals with the trading and investment of real estate, the construction works, and all works that are directly or indirectly related with the abovementioned activities. Not to mention also the construction sector since the corporation invests large parcels of agricultural territories, mainly in the plain of Akkar, and deals as well with the building, investment, and administration of all industrial and agricultural projects, and with the industrialization and marketing of all their products.
WEDGE Real Estate has the right to take part in, contribute in, or merge, in any form whatsoever, with companies or projects carrying out similar activities. It is also entitled to acquire shares and quotas in the established companies. WEDGE Real Estate has contributed in the foundation of a number of sister companies and two affiliated companies in which it owns the majority of shares: Porto Barbara S.A.L and the Green WEDGE S.A.L.