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Evénements marquants
Programmes de Issam Fares à travers le monde
Aperçu Général
L'Institut Issam Fares pour la Politique Publique et les Affaires Internationales a AUB
Le Centre Issam Fares pour le Liban
Fondation Issam Fares
Site classé parmi les meilleurs
Cérémonie tenue à New York en l'honneur de Son Excellence M. Issam Fares
Série de Conférences Issam Fares à Tufts
Issam Fares durant la 59ème session de l’Assemblée Générale
Visites officielles
Le Souverain Pontife Honore Fares
L'Institut du Moyen-Orient Honore Fares
La Russie honore Issam Fares dans un livre
Résumé des livres publiés sur Issam Fares
Partie 1
Partie 2
Partie 3
Partie 4
Partie 5
Livres publiés sur TUFTS
Issam Fares: Attitudes et Réalisations
Aperçu Général
L'Institut Issam Fares pour la Technologie
L'Institut Issam Fares pour la Politique Publique et les Affaires Internationales
Le Centre Issam Fares pour le Liban
La Fondation Fares
WEDGE Real Estate S.A.L (Liban)
Le Centre Issam Fares pour les Etudes Méditerranéennes Orientales à l'Université de Tufts
La Série de Conférences Issam Fares
The Issam Fares Institute for Technology
The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs
The Issam Fares Center for Lebanon
The Fares Foundation
WEDGE Real Estate S.A.L (Lebanon)
Issam Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies at Tufts University
The Issam Fares Lecture Series
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The Tufts University in Boston enjoys the support of Issam Fares. There are currently two buildings and a lecture series that carry his name at Tufts: the Issam M. Fares Lecture Series, in addition to the Fares Research Center at Fletcher, the Fares Equine Research Center at the School of Veterinary Medicine.
Established in 1992, the Fares Lecture Series aims at enhancing and fostering great and deeper understanding of critical issues of key importance concerning the Middle East. It enjoys the endowment of the Fares Foundation which enables it to implement a program to promote Middle Eastern studies in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Anthropology, demographic studies, and languages.
The Lecture Series is annually hosted by the Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies at Tufts University which aims at creating an academic environment for the promotion of better understanding of the rich heritage of the Eastern Mediterranean and the looming challenges the region is facing.
The Lecture Series have thus served as a platform of major importance for the articulation and expression of a broad diversity of opinions and viewpoints, in the belief to serve also as an effective tool for the resolution of conflicts.