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MP Emile Rahme: Lebanon is in dire need of people like you at this critical juncture
25 Sep 2009

September 25, 2009

MP Emile Rahme sent a letter to Deputy Prime Minister Issam Fares to congratulate him for his coming honoring by the International Crisis Group. The letter said:

‘Like all the Lebanese, we are privileged to see you honored on the highest international level by the largest and most influential institutions, the US non-governmental institution ‘Crisis Group’, thanks to the valuable achievements you have realized in different universities, educational and cultural institutions, and hospitals.

On this occasion, we look forward to seeing your returning to your homeland because it is in dire need of people like you at this critical juncture. We do miss your potentialities as well as your role whether on the national level, or within your honorable Roman Orthodox community, knowing that your contributions and realizations overseas represent a pride for Lebanon and the Lebanese compatriots, the north citizens in general, and Akkar’s inhabitants in particular.