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Ad Dyar Editorialist Jihad Nafeh writes: ‘It is unquestionable that Issam Fares is the permanent ambassador of peace and love’
28 Sep 2009

September 28, 2009

All eyes are diverted to New York, to the expected international event scheduled for October 28, 2009, this event that could be registered in Contemporary History as being an honor for Lebanon.

The honoring institution is not an ordinary one. It is rather an institution with international peaceful dimensions operating in the five continents. It is the American International Crisis Group that deals with the settlement of international crises and dilemmas in the five continents. This independent, non-aligned institution has managed to settle down many conflicts and international thorny problems, and it is active in the realization of peace all over the world.

To this end, it opted this year for the honoring of three senior world leaders: Former Deputy Prime Minister of Lebanon Mr. Issam Fares, and the 41rst and 42nd Presidents of the United States of America George Bush and Bill Clinton.

It is unquestionable that Issam Fares is the permanent ambassador of peace and love. Since the announcement was made about the honoring ceremony, contacts were made by Lebanon’s leadership and high-level Lebanese figures to express him their congratulations. All parties have shared the belief that honoring Fares is an honor for Lebanon and the Arabs altogether, and therefore, is an honor for the Lebanese expatriates in the diaspora.